Summer school 2022: Collecting, Displaying and Trading Glass: Private Collectors, Museums and the Question of Provenance
The third edition of the International Summer School on Glass Art, offered in collaboration with the University of Fribourg, is dedicated to current issues regarding the collecting, exhibiting, and trading of glass art in the 19th and 20th centuries. Whether Swiss stained glass, European reverse glass paintings, Islamic stucco-glass windows, or Venetian glasses: private collectors, museums, and the art market played a significant role in the circulation of glass art, the need for museum re-contextualization and the reconstruction of object biographies, as well as the growing importance of provenance research. The 5-day Summer School will take these issues into account by examining selected glass collections and discussing them in depth with glass researchers and conservators. By means of different teaching formats (lectures, practical modules, short excursions) and the encounter with original artworks, historical, theoretical and object-relevant contents will be conveyed.
University of Freiburg / Vitrocentre Romont
12 – 16 September 2022, 10–12h / 14h-16h

Program: PDF
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Jémérie Koering (Université de Fribourg), PD Dr. Francine Giese, Dr. Sarah Keller, Dr. Frédéric Hueber, Elisa Ambrosio M.A. (Vitrocentre & Vitromusée Romont), Dr. Salima Hellal (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon)
Keynote Speaker: Manuela Divari (Le Stanze del Vetro)
Credits: 3 ECTS-Points / Teaching languages: Français, Deutsch, English
Inscription: Registration is closed
Picture credit: Vitromusée Romont, reverse glass paintings from the Ruth and Frieder Ryser collection. © Vitromusée Romont / Pascal Gertschen.