Summer School 2021: A Contemporary Form of Expression: Glass Art in the 20th and 21st Centuries
The second edition of the International Summer School on Glass Studies, co-organized by the Vitrocentre Romont and the University of Fribourg, is dedicated to contemporary movements in 20th and 21st century glass art. Under the title A Contemporary Form of Expression, the artistic develop- ments in glass, stained glass as well as reverse glass painting are treated in an exemplary manner and are discussed with international specialists. Aspects such as technical and artistic reinventions in contemporary glass, as well as the significance of abstraction in stained and reverse glass painting or transmedia tendencies in the arts of the 20th and 21st centuries are considered and the examination of original artworks is encouraged. The five-day Summer School offers a deeper insight into the fascinating world of glass art and is intended to introduce the participants to this art historical field by means of various teaching formats (lectures, group work, short excursions).
30 Aug – 3 Sept 2021, 10.00-12.00 / 14.00-16.00

Programm: PDF
Organisation: University Freiburg and Vitrocentre Romont
Credits: 3 ECTS-Points
Languages: French, German, English
Keynote Speaker: Marzia Scalon (Centro Studi del Vetro, Fondazione Giorgio Cini onlus, Venezia)
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Julia Gelshorn (Université de Fribourg), PD Dr. Francine Giese, Dr. Laura Hindelang, Dr. Christina Snopko, lic. phil. Valérie Sauterel, Elisa Ambrosio M.A., Camille Noverraz M.A. (Vitrocentre Romont)