Corpus Vitrearum Switzerland: The Collection of Swiss Glass in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Part I)
The Ceramics collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, hold approximately 170 pieces of Swiss heraldic glass from purchases, bequests and donations made between 1863 and 1935. These are medium-format panels created between the 15th and 17th centuries in the principal centres for stained glass production in and around the Old Swiss Confederacy. Although studied selectively in the 20th century by stained glass historians such as Paul Ganz (1872–1954), Hans Lehmann (1861–1946), Paul Boesch (1882–1955) and later Jenny Schneider (1924–2004), this high-quality collection has not been the subject of a systematic research synthesis. In 2013, Rolf Hasler, former research associate at the Vitrocentre Romont, Sarah Keller and Uta Bergmann proposed to fill this gap. On this basis, Frédéric Hueber has now published a first selection of 75 stained glasses.
Project duration: 2020–2021

Project Management
Dr. Frédéric Hueber
VCR et ASSH (subvention pour les publications)
Michael IV. Müller (Zoug, vers 1627–1682), Vitrail historié aux armes de Werner Pfeil : le miracle de la tempête apaisée par le Christ, 1667, D. 16 cm (en lumière), verre incolore rond d’une seule pièce, peint avec de la grisaille noire, du jaune d’argent et de la sanguine ainsi que de l’émail incarnat, bleu et violet, Londres, Victoria and Albert Museum, inv. 2276-1900. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London.